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EGR European Gospel Radio

Worldwide on Shortwave radio, streaming and satellite

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Welcome to European Gospel Radio (EGR)!

Our mission is to spread the Gospel to the World on Shortwave, AM/Medium Wave, Satellite radio, TV and the Internet
EGR is owned and operated by NEXUS-IBA, a non profit association of broadcasters and program producers
Christian radio worldwide
Last respects to John Paul II
More than 200 world leaders joined an estimated 350,000 pilgrims for the funeral of Pope John Paul II in St. Peter's square (Rome) today. Many more packed the streets of Rome and millions around the world stopped to watch the funeral o­n TV. After a three-hour open-air service, the crowd applauded as the Pope’s coffin was carried into St Peter’s Basilica to be buried in the crypt. Among those in attendance were presidents and dignitaries from Italy, the UK, France, Germany, the US, Iran, Brazil, Taiwan, Zimbabwe, Kenya, DRC, Syria and Afghanistan, and representatives of Christian, Jewish, Buddist and Muslim churches around the World.
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Thank You & Blessings!

Tsunami tragedy hits East and West of the world
We receive and publish a segment of the latest newsletter from the Danish Shortwave Club International:

Dear friends, December 29, 2004

On Dec 26 the worst Earthquake on Earth in 40 years happened underwater southwest of Aceh Province, Sumatra. Enormous seismic Sea waves (in Japanese called Tsunami) hit the coasts in most countries around the Indian Ocean, causing devastating damages and more than 60000 people at the beaches killed or disappeared into the Sea. This natural catastrophe came without warning and all media covered this tragic event. On Sri Lanka alone, more than 22000 people are reported dead.

Our member, Victor Goonetilleke, living 10 km inland south of Colombo wrote on Dec 27: ” All of us are OK here. Trying hard to organize some emergency communications (Victor is also a very active radio amateur! Ed) and also doing some food distributions and things like that. Since the affected areas are so widespread things are very hard. Everyone within 1000 metres or so of the coast have been badly affected right along the coast from North to South on the eastern side of the island. In some areas as far in as 2-3kms. On the Western side not so bad, about 100 metres from the coast, as the quake was on the Eastern side of the island and the tidal waves came from the East/ S. East. You would have seen the vast destruction. Frightening.. Regards , Victor”.
Neither Do I Condemn Thee

The following is the theme of Pastor Chompffs broadcast for Friday, Dec. 31, 2004, at 200-2100 UTC on 5775 kHz:

This sermon discusses the familiar story of the woman taken in adultery and brought before Jesus. She deserved to be stoned to death. This woman was taken in the very act of adultery. If that is so, then where is the man? They let him go. And from this, we can see that it was a set-up. This is where all the evidence point to: They had agreed with the man to seduce this woman, and they agreed to let him go, but they would use this woman to trap the Lord Jesus Christ in a dilemma from which He would be condemned, no matter which way He would choose. What was the woman’s name?

In this passage she does not have a name, because God intended her to represent all those who will be saved through the mercy and grace of God. Jesus wrote with His finger on the ground. Then, when they continued asking Him, He lifted up Himself and said to them, “he that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

He Made the Blind to See
"He Made the Blind to See", this is the theme of todays Friday, Dec. 17, 2004, broadcast starting at 2100 CET on 5,775 kHz, via European Gospel Radio:

This is the third sermon on John chapter 9. An unnamed blind beggar is receiving his sight. What was the reason? According to Jesus, He sought out this beggar “in order that the works of God should be made manifest in him”.

Astounding contrasts: The Pharisees, in their carnal mind, excommunicated this formerly blind beggar, because he did not want to deny that Jesus was from God. These graduates from honored seats of learning were corrected by this untrained new disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.

On the other hand we see what Divine grace can do. It brings a beggar to the feet of the Savior. It gives him a wisdom that exceeds the wisdom of the Pharisees. His logic is impeccable: “One thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see”.
Feliz Navidad
Que el Amor, la Paz y la Esperanza sea la única fuerza que cobije a todos los amigos de la Emisora Radial y a sus diferentes programas, a todos los amigos oyentes, que con la presencia del todopoderoso, esta navidad sea una fiesta en unión familiar y de muchas bendiciones para todos.

Expreso un saludo afectuoso y fraterno en mi calidad de un fiel y asiduo oyente a todos los miembros de la gran Institución Radial, y a todos los amigos oyentes, que sin descanso entregan su esfuerzo sacrificado en forma permanente, a sus amigos, esposas e hijos que celebren con regocijo el cumpleaños de Jesús y que sus espíritus reciban con amor este presente.

Mi Profundo anhelo es que esta navidad sea llena de felicidad, dicha amor y esperanza en cada hogar de los amigos de la Emisora y de la gran multitud de amigos oyentes, que estos sentimientos comunes llenen de alegría nuestras vidas.

Que la bendición de nuestro creador, sea abundante y generoso con todos sus seres queridos, que proteja sus acciones y procuren sacrificio en busca de la paz de los amigos.

Que esta bella fiesta renueve el amor en sus corazones y la paz en su espíritu, con el deseo de que esta noche de Paz sea tan solo el comienzo de un año pleno de éxitos son los deseos de su Amigo.

Gustavo (Loja, Equador)
RBCSC broadcast of Dec. 10, 2004
Pastor Alfred Chompff sent us a comment of Fridays Dec. 10, 2004 broadcast on 5,775 kHz (2000-2100 UTC):

This is the second sermon on John chapter 9. God uses the healing of this blind man as a type or picture of salvation. The formerly blind man said to the Pharisees, “He opened My Eyes”. God did it 100%. I did not ask for it, and neither did I deserve it. Salvation is entirely by grace. By definition “grace” is a free gift from God, like John 1:13 says, “Which were born (again), not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God”.
Streetcats foundation
We are pleased to welcome a new member to the growing family of EGR broadcasters! The Streetcats foundation began airing through European Gospel Radio early in September, using our 100 kW stream o­n 5,775 kHz each Friday night from 2230-2300 Central European Time.
Streetcats Foundation logoSince 1988 STREETCATS FOUNDATION has been working with streetkids, runaways and other at-risk youth o­n the streets of New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Over the years, STREETCATS, worked miracles o­n city streets, getting teens and young adult victims of abuse that other counselors, police and probation officers had given up o­n, off alcohol and other drugs, reconciled with loved o­nes and into productive lives. Through time, patience and tough love, the STREETCATS program worked! And it worked with little personnel or money and with mostly government and police apathy.

Their excellent 30 min radio program called REACHING UP! RADIO may also be heard via streaming audio via the facilities of NEXUS-IBA/IRRS.
Reformed Bible Church of Southern California
Pastor Alfred J. Chompff can be heard every Friday from 21:00-22:00 (9-10PM) Central European Time over European Gospel Radio o­n 5,775 kHz (100 kW). Alfred Chompff is Pastor at the Reformed Bible Church of Southern California, in Los Angeles. He was officially ordained o­n Jan 25, 1998, and has been studying the Scriptures for more than 25 years.Pastor Chompff o­n European Gospel RadioPastor Chompff's message is that that we should trust in Christ Jesus now, and urgently, as our Savior. His weekly 50 minutes broadacsts are a look into God’s Word, the Bible and are taken from o­ne of their Sunday morning worship services. As you will notice in hearing them over the air, Pastor Chompff usually starts out each sermon with the words, "Please open your Bibles". He does so in order that people would have the opportunity to look into the Bible themselves, and make sure that he is rightly dividing the Word of Truth. Their hope is that you will find this Study to be Spiritually enriching and that it would encourage you to begin reading and studying the Bible more carefully.
Regular broadcasts to West Africa started on April 2, 2004
Radio for PeaceAs recently announced, effective Friday April 2, 2004, IRRS-Shortwave is starting weekly broadcasts using 100 kW beamed to Africa o­n 15,665 kHz Shortwave from 1100-1200 UTC. Programs will be in Arabic and Spanish. Please tune in every Friday according to the following schedule:

Fri: 15,665 kHz from 1300-1400 CET (1100-1200 UTC) [100 kW] to Africa

Even if we use directional antennas to West Africa, reception may also be possible in other areas, including Europe and South America. All other broadcasts to Europe, Middle East and Africa effective March 28, 2004, are according to our summer schedule o­n our mainstream frequencies of 5,775 and 13,840 kHz.
New A04 summer schedule as of March 28, 2004
With the change to summer or daylight saving time, all Shortwave stations around the world adjust their schedules by changing frequencies and times of operation. IRRS Shortwave and European Gospel Radio have a policy to try keeping both times and frequency consistent with local time in Central Europe. In this way, listeners are less confused as they are not required to re-tune their receivers, and they may find our station easier on their dial.

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free 15 minute EGR consultaiton

We will call you back at a number and time of your convenience, and will gladly answer any question that you may have on how to broadcast your Christian message worldwide.

EGR local time

Verse of the day

For many are called, but few are chosen. Matthew, 22. 14


Is wealth an indication of God’s favor or blessing?