New high power (250 kW) tests |
The latest portion of the 250 kW night-time broadcast was heard with excellent conditions by listeners overseas in the USA and Canada. Here are some excerpts from emails received in real-time during the broadcast: John, from Ontario, Canada: "Your signal is coming in with good strength into Eastern Ontario, Canada (SINPO 44434) at 2215 UTC, Dec 24." Bob, from Pennsylvania, USA: "Listening to your broadcast which appears to be in German on 5775 at 2230 and is providing an excellent signal here 40 miles North of Philadelphia, PA, USA. At this time 20-30/s9 with minor fades. Crystal clear reception. Excellent modulation." David, from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: "I have been listening to your program since 2200utc today, December 24, 2003, on 5775 kHz. The program opened with piano music followed by a talk by a woman in the German language. Reception quality here is 44444." Nick from London, England: "Reception of the 5775 kHz channel here in South West London , England as at 22:00 UTC remains strong and clear with no problems to report at all." Rudolf, from Germany: "Ihre Sendung auf 5775 kommt hier ausgezeichnet an mit SINPO 45444.Z.Zt.Programm in deutsch zum Thema "Licht erschien Christus". Die höhere Sendeleistung ist ein Gewinn für sie!" [transl: "Your transmission on 5775 comes with excellent reception with SINPO 45444. Programm in German with the topic "Light appeared Christ". The higher transmitting power is a profit for it!"] Christer, from Sweden: "I heard your transmission in Italian on December 24 at 22.45 Italian time on 5775 kHz with a SINPO of 34434 here in Halmstad on the West Coast of Sweden."
On Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, 2003, we run a four hour special broadcast using 250 kW of power, featuring programs in English, German and Italian. This was a one time, occasional broadcasts with a special Christmas program produced by one of NEXUS-IBA's members in Europe.
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We will call you back at a number and time of your convenience, and will gladly answer any question that you may have on how to broadcast your Christian message worldwide.